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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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Laboratory of material investigation.

Main task: investigation of physical and mechanical properties of materials and their joints.

Sector of sampmles preparation

Vacuum casting of Cu and its alloys onto stainless steel Vacuum casting of Cu and its alloys onto stainless steel
Sector of sampmles preparation

1.Cutting machine STRUERS Labotom-3

2.Grinding and polishing machine STRUERS TegraPol-11

3.Electropolishing and etching machine STRUERS LectroPol-5

4.Ultrasonic washer Struers Metason 120 T

5.Ultrasonic washer Struers Metason 200 HT with heating up to 60 oC

6.Drying box for the samples Struers Drybox-2.

Temperature range 40 - 90 oC

7.Inverted microscope OLYMPUS GX41 for checking of surface quality. Magnification range from õ50 to õ1000.


Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-6510LV.
Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-6510LV.

Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-6510LV.

Accelerating voltage 0,5êV - 30 êV

Magnification range õ5 - õ300 000

Maximum size of sample diameter 150 mm, heght 48 mm

Silicon drift detector SiriusSD for the elemental microanalysis..

Inverted microscope OLYMPUS GX51. Magnification range from õ12.5 to õ1500.
Inverted microscope OLYMPUS GX51. Magnification range from õ12.5 to õ1500.

Stereomicroscope OLYMPUS SZX 16. Magnification range from õ7 äî õ115.
Stereomicroscope OLYMPUS SZX 16. Magnification range from õ7 äî õ115.

Mechanical testing

Hardness meters Wolpert Wilson 3000 BLD Brinell and Wolpert Wilson Rockwell
Hardness meters Wolpert Wilson 3000 BLD Brinell and Wolpert Wilson Rockwell

Mechanical testing machine INSTRON 3369
Mechanical testing machine INSTRON 3369

Mechanical testing

Spectral analyzer of chemical composition BELEC Vario Lab
Spectral analyzer of chemical composition BELEC Vario Lab

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