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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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1) Power source; 2) Matrix with 80 radiators; 3) Matrix with 16 radiators

Medical laser "Laser sun" with matrix semiconducting infrared radiator is intended for treatment of infectious diseases, including acute viral hepatitises and AIDS, integrated treatment of cancer patients (radiotherapy and laser therapy) and treatment of ionizing radiation sicknesses.

Clinical trials of laser with 16 radiators matrix were carried out in N.N. Petrov oncological institute (Saint-Petersburg), CNII of radiology, S. P. Botkin hospital, municipal AIDS center.


Main parameters 
Emission wavelength, nano-m 890
Pulse duration, nano-sec 150
Pulse-repetition rate, Hz 8 - 3000
Maximum pulse power of matrix  
- with 80 radiators, W 700
- with 16 radiators, W 145
Overall size of power supply source, sm 25x20x10
Weight, kg 3.5

RF patent on the method of the acute viral hepatitis phototherapy RF patent on the device for blood irradiation through skin RF patent on the method of the laser AIDS treatment
RF patent on the method of the acute viral hepatitis phototherapy RF patent on the device for blood irradiation through skin RF patent on the method of the laser AIDS treatment

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