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Due to the high performances our accelerators are ideal radiation sources for industrial tomography.

Two-dimensional image obtained under radiographic scanning is easy interpreted when an inspected object is of simple internal structure. However, in some cases the problem of unambiguous identification of structure may be solved only applying computerized tomography.

Under tomographic inspection every object section is scanned under continuous or discrete object rotation in the plane of the fan-shaped beam formed by the irradiator and beam collimation system. The data obtained as a result of angular scanning are written in file in the digital form and processed with mathematical reconstruction methods. This makes possible to find two-dimensional density distribution in inspected cross-section. The application of described procedure to a consequence of cross-sections allows to obtain a complete image of the three-dimensional density distribution in an object under inspection.

An inspected object at the stand of NPK LUTS The introscopic image of the inspected object The tomographic reconstruction of the inspected object cross-section
An inspected object at the stand of NPK LUTS The introscopic image of the inspected object The tomographic reconstruction of the inspected object cross-section

The set of tomographic system equipment is similar to that of introscopic system with some modifications in the design of positioning system and software.

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